30g coconut flour
3 eggs
3 tbsp coconut/almond milk
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp honey/agave nectar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
How To:
- Whisk eggs, coconut oil, coconut flour, milk and vanilla extract in a bowl.
- Slowing add coconut flour and stir.
- Lightly oil a frying pan with grass-fed butter and separate the pancake mix into 4 dollops, each pancake should be the size of your palm. Cook for approx 4-5 minutes or until golden. The ingredients do not form the consistency of a traditional pancake recipe and is more “paste like” and be careful when flipping.
- Remove from pan and enjoy!
Perhaps try toppings of your choice such as: local-produced honey, fresh berries, or almond butter.