Meet “Tinny”, 46 years old, who works 60 hours per week in a very physical and mentally demanding job role. Our initial consulation helped tell... Continue reading
Check out Natasha’s blog as she starts her journey to getting in better shape with JWPT I’ve been training at Jake Wood‘s bootcamp since November... Continue reading
My greatest achievement has been sticking to the plan as I would usually fail at diets as I have tried so many fad diets and failed... Continue reading
The seal of approval is over consumption of sugar can lead to being overweight, obese or the onset of diabetes! Everybody has a varied “carb... Continue reading
Following Kirsty’s last blog about getting started and staying committed to a new active lifestyle, Here’s an update from Kirsty Wilkinson’s journey in 6 months at JWPT from being... Continue reading
Amy’s goal was to change her body shape for her summer holiday using online coaching and bootcamps. As a result of the progress she managed to... Continue reading
1. Strong Bones due to the increasing load being applied through your muscles and joints to perform movements. Your skeletal system is the scaffolding in... Continue reading
HIIT refers to High-intensity interval training and is an approach to exercise which can help promote fat loss, get you seriously fit, and gives you... Continue reading